About Woodridge Atv Sandhogs Inc

Statement of Intent

The Woodridge Sandhogs Atv Club has the intent to work with our local and province governments, as well as all other groups in our riding area. The benefits of shared resources, information and work force helps not only all user groups but the local community and businesses to grow and flourish in the Sandilands Provincial Forest.

The Woodridge Sandhogs have been a part of our provincial Atv association since 2009, and we have been working closely with Manitoba Conservation since 2009 as well. Our working relationship with MB Conservation has started with the local departments and increased to working with upper management of Conservation. We have taken great strides to keep our relationship with all levels of Conservation open and transparent. Currently we have been involved with AtvMb, MB Conservation and our local RM of Piney in developing a sustainable designated Atv trail system in the Sandilands Forest. This has been a long process, starting from 2010 till current, of which we are now in the final stages of approvals. The Woodridge Sandhogs have been a registered organization with the Manitoba government since 2009, and we also carry full liability insurance and director / officers insurance for our club through AtvMb.

Future Goals

With future designated Atv trails in the works the next steps to take to make this a reality will be funding. Our club is currently looking at various fundraisers, grants through different programs the various levels of government offer, donations and corporate sponsorship or advertising. In order to create and maintain a viable and sustainable trail system volunteers, hired contractors and funding will be a must. The benefits of a designated trail system will be seen at first by the local businesses in the trail system area and by dealers in southern Manitoba. Another benefit will be the creation of jobs from the spin off of more tourism dollars being spent in the area , long term maintenance of the trail system , and future business opportunities as the the provincial trail system develops. This trail system will be a first in Manitoba on crownlands and will set precedence for future trails in the province. Other provinces such as Quebec and Ontario have a successful trail system in place that has become a destination point for riders.

Current Executive Board Members

President :   Gary Hora

Vice-president : Trevor Auch

Secretary : Greg Desorcy

Treasurer : Doug Epp.

These current members of the Woodridge Sandhogs are also the founding members of the club, and have strong generational ties to the community some being 3 rd or 4th generation families in the area. This may reflect our passion to protect and develop the trails in our riding area as many of these trails have been made by our family members. Our board has always kept in mind the needs of the riders, other user groups and the local citizens, to try to keep balance to our proposed trail system.

Our Mission Statement

– Promote safe, responsible, family oriented ATV riding whenever or wherever a person rides

– Ensure the conservation of our wilderness areas for the continued use by those that follow after us.

– To be stewards of the land and a local voice with our provincial and local governments.

– Most importantly to promote community among the owners of ATV’s a gain access to trails for the enjoyment of ATV riding, protecting our rights and privileges to access crown land.

– promote local investment and business in our riding area for long term viability.