We would like to spread the word about some private lands between Woodridge and the town of Sandilands where the land owners are having issues with trespassing , property damage , vandalism and illegal hunting. The old rail bed / trail that goes from Woodridge to Sandilands does in fact cross through private lands and for many years people have thought that the trail is on crown lands of which it is not entirely . The land owners have posted several signs and have been very tolerant of people passing through the property but have of late experienced more issues then normal to their lands. We have attached a map that shows where the lands are and how people , locals and non locals will find themselves riding down the old rail bed and then onto private lands , past the signage and in some cases past the brigades placed on the trail. We ask if people can let others know of these private lands and to respect the land owners wishes.
Thank you
Sandhogs Executive
atv-trail-map-2016 < MAP>