Seasonal Trail Closure Nov 2017


Well it is that time of the year again with hunting season here and the snowmobile season very close so we now see our trail closed for the season. When we say closed for the season we mean it will not be monitored regularly or maintained during the winter months , so riding the trail is at users own risk . As the trail is on Crown Lands and is classified as a multi use trail the trail it can be used during the winter by other user groups as well, so please keep in mind that you may encounter other traffic then quads or sxs’s.

In addition there is one small section of trail on Fire Guard 31a , north of Woodridge , east of Hwy 210 which we have covered the signs and closed that section. This is also a “shared” section of trail where the snowmobile trail into Woodridge runs. Out of respect for the sled season and all the work the snowmobile clubs do , we ask riders to please not travel on that FG. This is the only section that we have trail over laps with the snoman trail system , however we do have 5 cross over points along the trail system so again we ask to please respect the snowmobile trail system and tread lightly at those cross over points.

Thank you

Sandhogs Exec .