Trail Conditions July 27 2017

Little Bigfoot Trail ( 2017 Logging )


The Little Bigfoot Trail is in good overall condition as of July 26th. There have been several repairs and grooming done on the trail but we have several spots that require some additional attention.

There are also a lot of berry picker out in the forest and many of them are parked along the trail. Please keep an eye out for them please.

And finally there is some new logging on both the Little Bigfoot Trail and the Eastman Trail. We have a crew staged up on Fireguard 20 north of Hwy 210 , just north of our EVAC point 4. They are also using FG 20 as an access road so please be mindful of logging trucks. The second area is along Fireguard 17 and 31 where the Eastman trail is , they are using the entire road of FG 17 to 31 for access which also effects part of our eastside trail. See attached map aboveĀ for more info.