New ATV Trail Designation

Well our club along with AtvMb and Eastman Atv association are proud to announce that the province has agreed to a pilot project for developing designated Atv trails in the Sandilands Provincial Forest. Development has been under way with both clubs clearing trails on their proposed sections of trails. We ask riders to be mindful when riding out in the Sandilands area to watch for volunteers , equipment and contractors , and to please watch for hazards as trail development is on going. The Sandhogs are working on a trail loop that will go north of Woodridge towards the Marchand wayside park ( Ranger station ) heading west to the town of Sandilands and then back to Woodridge. Our goal is to have the trail fully operational for the end of this year and ready to use for spring of 2016 for riders to enjoy. Our club would like to thank you for your patience.

Gary Hora.
Woodridge SANDHOGS club President

Check out these articles regarding new trail designations.

Official ATV Trail Coming In Eastman

ATV trail given official designation


RM of Piney councillor David Beaudry and Sprague RCMP Cpl. Terry Sundell take in resident thoughts during a wide-ranging ATV meeting last week. Image courtesy of The Carillon.


Dave Lee putting up signs along the trail (Photo by Eastman ATV Association)